ARSENE Wenger has said he has always admired the voluptuous curves of the phrase '3rd place'.
Speaking after a performance against Tottenham that football biologists have reclassified as a form of jellyfish, the Arsenal buffoon-wrangler compared sport's obsession with number one with the fashion for size-zero models.
Wenger said: "Mr Ferguson may enjoy the soulless, sexless lines of the number one but for me the callypygian contours of a '3' are much more intriguing. So to have two of them in a scoreline is very pleasing for me.
"And if we can persevere with the likes of Eboue and Clichy, we even come to know the forbidden delights of a round, juicy 8th place."
Arsenal's inability to hold on to a lead has been criticised this season but Wenger insisted that the order of the scoreline in last night's match was a tribute to the time signatures used in John Cale's 1973 song cycle Underachievement In C Minor.
He has also claimed that his selection of goalkeepers reflected his love of the work of Jacques Tati and that Nicklas Bendtner has borrowed heavily from the Absurdist writings of his fellow countryman Kierkegaard when claiming to be one of the best strikers in the world.
Footballologist Wayne Hayes said: "Arsene has always traded on his professorial, intellectual image and as a result, he's managing his team in an incomprehensibly awful way that has your Nick Hornby-style Arsenal fan saying it's brilliant for fear of sounding like a working class fucknut."
But club chairman Peter Hill-Wood said: "I suspect Arsene is now about three weeks away from pondering the stark, brutalist contrast between the Rubenesque roundness of the letter 'P' and the Picasso-like angularity of the numbers '4' and '5'."
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Wenger celebrates aesthetic qualities of the number three
Monday, April 25, 2011
Cultivating Faith for my Ceramic Tattoo Art Business...
Posted by
Matthew S. Kennedy with Ceramic Tattoo Art
Phone: (805)-765-1113
Please Also Visit
Memorial Tattoo
This is the Humming bird tribal vase that I made to give away at the "Contacts and Coffee" meeting I attend every Friday at 8:00AM. It is a great bunch of local business people that get together weekly to network.
I have been working on my cultivation of faith for the last couple years starting my own ceramic tattoo business and taking educated risks. When I say educated risks I mean to take the best possible course of action that I think God would have me take each day. It has totally worked for me. It has worked even better since I have been being my "Authentic Self" and not trying to fit in any particular mold of what people think I should be. I have turned down jobs in this economy while on unemployment the last 6 months because they didn't fit in with my plan of designing my life the way I see it and being true to my dream of living in the Central Coast, etc... I received my last paycheck from EDD about 5 days ago. I am actually happy that it has come to an end because I am ready for the next phase of my development. They say in the program - If you are painstaking about this phase of your development you will be amazed before you are half way through. I have known this to be true for myself and seen this in so many others lives as I observe the "God Shots" or "Miracles" happen in myself and other peoples lives. The only thing is you have to be willing and take some positive ACTION. I now have 10 days to find a job or I will be in risk of loosing everything that I have worked for the last 10 months (not the first time I have been here). I have lost my art studio before and had to re-build because of some bad choices I have made and just life shit before, so I am willing to lose everything again and continue on the path God wants me to and learn the things I need to. Things don't make you happy I have totally leaned that. I will never give up this dream of mine. I have almost (I am still shitting my pants) - total and complete faith that I will be taken to a much higher place than I am right now very soon. It is actually exciting for me to be in this spot now because I have tried my best and I am just waiting for the next cool thing to happen in my life. See the cool thing is when you do your best that you don't have to have any regrets and this enables you to have so much more faith, that is what I have learned. I am doing different things expecting different results and it is fun and exciting to see what is next. I keep hearing Nikki Sixx say "don't sell out" and that has helped me stay true to everything. Fear is at the root of a lot of our problems in life.... So anyone reading this follow the fucken Blog so you can see the next cool thing that happens in my crazy life...
I will write the passage from Daily Reflections that has helped me and really hit home the last couple of weeks below:
Cultivating Faith
"I don't think we can do anything very well in this world unless we practice it. And I don't believe we do AA to well unless we practice it... We should practice... Acquiring the spirit of service. We should attempt to acquire some faith, which isn't easily done, especially for the person who has always been very materialistic, following the standards of society today. But I think faith can be acquired; It can be acquired slowly; it has to be cultivated. That was not easy for me, and I assume that it is difficult for everyone else..."
Dr. Bob and the Good Old Timers, PP. 307-08
Fear is often the force that prevents me from acquiring and cultivating the power of faith. Fear blocks my appreciation of beauty, tolerance, forgiveness, service, and serenity.
My new "Jungle Theme" Tattoo... It is a good start much more pain to come soon... I sat for about 3 hours for this outline and shading and I need to sit again for another 3+ hours to add the color in. I will eventually get both my arms done and my back. The arms will be a 3/4 sleeve so I can wear a dress shirt and work.
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This is the dragon Wall Hanging that I made recently. It is a new technique that I have been working on. It has bits of clear glass that I sprinkled around the dragon, airbrushed a red ink over the whole thing, cleaned the glass with Dremel and the black ice glaze and then sprayed with a gloss lacquer. Sorry the video kinda sucks..
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the tattoo art gallery
Sunday, April 24, 2011
DID YOU KNOW ................
What could be simpler than taking a good crap ? Even babies are good at it. You might be surprised, then, to find out that even millions of us who can burp without throwing up get this wrong every single day.
Chances are the pooping facility nearest you is a sitting toilet, a relatively recent invention that flushed its way into mankind's heart with the advent of indoor plumbing in the 19th century. Indoor plumbing has turned out pretty well for the most part, but the pooping style that came with it definitely has not. Pooping on a modern sitting toilet is a big part of where hemorrhoids come from, and it can also cause diverticular disease, an age-related condition that pretty much only occurs in parts of the world where sitting toilets are used, and which can lead to a range of pleasantries up to and including colonic obstruction. And things aren't getting better: The last few decades have seen a rise in popularity of "comfort height" toilets that sit two to four inches higher off the ground than older models and that make our pooping predicament even worse.
So how the hell are we meant to do it?
Luckily, there's a relatively simple way to end this poop dilemma. A 2003 study observed 28 people pooping in three positions: sitting on a high toilet, sitting on a lower one and squatting like they were catchers at a baseball game (catcher's mitt optional, but encouraged). After initially being mistaken for a German porn company, the researchers found that pooping took about a minute less when done squatting and that participants rated the experience as "easier" (God, I hope they were getting paid).
In fact, toilets that require you to squat that way have been the standard for most of human history and are still widely used in the non-Western world.
According to proctologists, "We were not meant to sit on toilets, we were meant to squat in the field." When you're in a sitting or standing position, you're forming an angle between the where the poop is and where the poop's gotta come out. There's even a muscle that's purpose is to tighten things up when we're sitting or standing to prevent accidents. Squatting straightens out this angle and removes the chokehold.
If the thought of squatting awkwardly on top of your toilet seat isn't for you, you can produce a similar poop-enhancing angle by resting your feet on a footstool (or anything handy) and leaning the top half of your body forward.
Chances are the pooping facility nearest you is a sitting toilet, a relatively recent invention that flushed its way into mankind's heart with the advent of indoor plumbing in the 19th century. Indoor plumbing has turned out pretty well for the most part, but the pooping style that came with it definitely has not. Pooping on a modern sitting toilet is a big part of where hemorrhoids come from, and it can also cause diverticular disease, an age-related condition that pretty much only occurs in parts of the world where sitting toilets are used, and which can lead to a range of pleasantries up to and including colonic obstruction. And things aren't getting better: The last few decades have seen a rise in popularity of "comfort height" toilets that sit two to four inches higher off the ground than older models and that make our pooping predicament even worse.
So how the hell are we meant to do it?
Luckily, there's a relatively simple way to end this poop dilemma. A 2003 study observed 28 people pooping in three positions: sitting on a high toilet, sitting on a lower one and squatting like they were catchers at a baseball game (catcher's mitt optional, but encouraged). After initially being mistaken for a German porn company, the researchers found that pooping took about a minute less when done squatting and that participants rated the experience as "easier" (God, I hope they were getting paid).
In fact, toilets that require you to squat that way have been the standard for most of human history and are still widely used in the non-Western world.
According to proctologists, "We were not meant to sit on toilets, we were meant to squat in the field." When you're in a sitting or standing position, you're forming an angle between the where the poop is and where the poop's gotta come out. There's even a muscle that's purpose is to tighten things up when we're sitting or standing to prevent accidents. Squatting straightens out this angle and removes the chokehold.
If the thought of squatting awkwardly on top of your toilet seat isn't for you, you can produce a similar poop-enhancing angle by resting your feet on a footstool (or anything handy) and leaning the top half of your body forward.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Is Sexually Transmitted Gonorrhea Becoming a 'Superbug?'
USA: In 2009, nearly a quarter of strains tested in a nationwide surveillance project of gonorrhea were resistant to penicillin, tetracycline, fluoroquinolones, or a combination of these antibiotics that are typically used to treat the STD. And early data from 2010 indicate resistance to another type of antibiotic, cephalosporin, is emerging. That's concerning because cephalosporins are the only class of antibiotic left that doctors recommend to treat the disease.
If resistance to cephalosporins develops, gonorrhea could develop into a superbug, and have a catastrophic effect on our ability to control the disease in the country, researchers say. A superbug is a strain of bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotics and is very difficult to kill. Other examples of superbugs include methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA ) and some strains of tuberculosis.
More than 301,174 cases of gonorrhea were reported to the CDC in 2009, though the agency estimates more than 700,000 people become infected with the disease each year in the United States. It is the second most common infectious disease that is required to be reported to the U.S. government.
If resistance to cephalosporins develops, gonorrhea could develop into a superbug, and have a catastrophic effect on our ability to control the disease in the country, researchers say. A superbug is a strain of bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotics and is very difficult to kill. Other examples of superbugs include methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA ) and some strains of tuberculosis.
More than 301,174 cases of gonorrhea were reported to the CDC in 2009, though the agency estimates more than 700,000 people become infected with the disease each year in the United States. It is the second most common infectious disease that is required to be reported to the U.S. government.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Cristiano Ronaldo's extra-time header gave Jose Mourinho his first trophy as Real Madrid coach as his side beat Barcelona 1-0 to win the Copa del Rey, and then Sergio Ramos drops it under the team bus and it gets crushed !
A genuine El Clásico
A genuine El Clásico
420, 4:20 or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) refers to consumption of cannabis and, by extension, a way to identify oneself with cannabis subculture. The notable day for these is April 20.
The term was allegedly coined by a group of teenagers in San Rafael, California in 1971. Calling themselves the Waldos, because "their chosen hang-out spot was a wall outside the school," the group first used the term in connection to a fall 1971 plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop that they had learned about. The Waldos designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 p.m. as their meeting time. The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis". Multiple failed attempts to find the crop eventually shortened their phrase to simply "4:20", which ultimately evolved into a codeword the teens used to mean pot-smoking in general.
April 20 (4/20 in U.S. date notation) has evolved into a counterculture holiday, where people gather to celebrate and consume cannabis.[1] Some events have a political nature to them, advocating for the decriminalization of non-medical cannabis in the United States.
DID YOU KNOW ..................
There is a persistent myth that that all the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are set to 4:20 (although, certainly all the clocks on the wall in the pawn shop are set to 4:20). However, in at least two scenes it is obvious that this is not the case. In the "Bonnie Situation" while Jimmy, Vince and Jules are drinking coffee in the kitchen, the clock clearly reads 8:15. Secondly, when Vince and Jules go to retrieve the briefcase, it is "7:22 in the a.m.". The significance of the time 4:20 is that it is slang for smoking marijuana.
The term was allegedly coined by a group of teenagers in San Rafael, California in 1971. Calling themselves the Waldos, because "their chosen hang-out spot was a wall outside the school," the group first used the term in connection to a fall 1971 plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop that they had learned about. The Waldos designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 p.m. as their meeting time. The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis". Multiple failed attempts to find the crop eventually shortened their phrase to simply "4:20", which ultimately evolved into a codeword the teens used to mean pot-smoking in general.
April 20 (4/20 in U.S. date notation) has evolved into a counterculture holiday, where people gather to celebrate and consume cannabis.[1] Some events have a political nature to them, advocating for the decriminalization of non-medical cannabis in the United States.
DID YOU KNOW ..................
There is a persistent myth that that all the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are set to 4:20 (although, certainly all the clocks on the wall in the pawn shop are set to 4:20). However, in at least two scenes it is obvious that this is not the case. In the "Bonnie Situation" while Jimmy, Vince and Jules are drinking coffee in the kitchen, the clock clearly reads 8:15. Secondly, when Vince and Jules go to retrieve the briefcase, it is "7:22 in the a.m.". The significance of the time 4:20 is that it is slang for smoking marijuana.
Liverpool fans query own penalty
Arsenal 1-1 Liverpool: Robin van Persie broke the record for the latest-ever Premier League goal…then Dirk Kuyt broke it again.
As their 1-1 draw against Arsenal helped Manchester United toward their 19th title, the club's lachrymose supporters have asked whether they can play the game again without fielding any defenders.
Perspective-lacking Liverpool fundamentalist Gerrard Stevens said: "How about we invoke the age-old law of goalie-wasn't-ready? I'm also willing to sacrifice a couple of family pets."
But he added: "I'd like to think that gifting Arsenal the three points would be enough, but this season has proven that Arsenal grasp opportunity about as well as Almunia grasps things that are spherical."
Gerrard is a third generation historical anomaly, " I often listen when my Grandfather tells of a time when we won the English League and have my fingers crossed that my own Grandchildren will live to see such a sight in their lifetime."
Dirk Kuyt's 342nd-minute penalty sparked a furious touchline row between the two managers over who was angrier about the decision.
Wenger claimed the trucks arriving for the double-glazing conference in the stadium the next day distracted Wojciech Szczesny during the penalty kick, prompting Dalglish to shout: "Piss off, you don't have to live up the road from the miserable, ex-Rangers bastard that I've just given the title to."
Dalglish should escape any FA sanction after studies showed it was impossible for laboratory beagles to listen to more than four seconds of Wenger's whining, self-justifying horseshit without developing the rudimentary language skills to tell him to piss up a rope.
Stevens said: "This is really going to bugger up the official Liverpool DVD of the season, which generally shows United not being awarded throw-ins or losing the coin-toss.
"I'm starting to wonder if crowing over their minor setbacks can still distract us from the fact they're much better than us and have been for a very, very long time."
As their 1-1 draw against Arsenal helped Manchester United toward their 19th title, the club's lachrymose supporters have asked whether they can play the game again without fielding any defenders.
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But he added: "I'd like to think that gifting Arsenal the three points would be enough, but this season has proven that Arsenal grasp opportunity about as well as Almunia grasps things that are spherical."
Gerrard is a third generation historical anomaly, " I often listen when my Grandfather tells of a time when we won the English League and have my fingers crossed that my own Grandchildren will live to see such a sight in their lifetime."
Dirk Kuyt's 342nd-minute penalty sparked a furious touchline row between the two managers over who was angrier about the decision.
Wenger claimed the trucks arriving for the double-glazing conference in the stadium the next day distracted Wojciech Szczesny during the penalty kick, prompting Dalglish to shout: "Piss off, you don't have to live up the road from the miserable, ex-Rangers bastard that I've just given the title to."
Dalglish should escape any FA sanction after studies showed it was impossible for laboratory beagles to listen to more than four seconds of Wenger's whining, self-justifying horseshit without developing the rudimentary language skills to tell him to piss up a rope.
Stevens said: "This is really going to bugger up the official Liverpool DVD of the season, which generally shows United not being awarded throw-ins or losing the coin-toss.
"I'm starting to wonder if crowing over their minor setbacks can still distract us from the fact they're much better than us and have been for a very, very long time."
Monday, April 18, 2011
ROYAL WEDDING [Friday, April 29]
Friday, April 15, 2011
Little girl joins the Dark Side,and is promptly kicked out of the Jedi Academy
Watch as one brave young Padawan publicly pledges her allegiance to Darth Vader, causing a befuddled Mace Windu to escort her off stage and send her to the "Sith Academy."
While on a family trip to Disneyland, one little girl [Sariah Gallego] was asked to battle Darth Vader on stage — but she turned the tables, realizing the power of the Dark Side!
Sariah Gallego, Prince of Space is disappointed.
While on a family trip to Disneyland, one little girl [Sariah Gallego] was asked to battle Darth Vader on stage — but she turned the tables, realizing the power of the Dark Side!
Sariah Gallego, Prince of Space is disappointed.
A funeral home in Consett, County Durham asked Clear Channel to remove an ad for The Walking Dead — Frank Darabont’s critically acclaimed zombie TV series — that was placed on its wall.
“It is disappointing that we were not consulted as this advert could cause unnecessary distress,” a Co-operative Funeralcare spokesman is quoted as saying.
“It is disappointing that we were not consulted as this advert could cause unnecessary distress,” a Co-operative Funeralcare spokesman is quoted as saying.
ABOUT TIME I SAY ..........
Watchmen writer adapting Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern to film
Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern book series has garnered generations of fans. Now it's about to be translated for the screen by the screenwriter for Watchmen and X2, David Hayter.
David Hayter, screenwriter of the first two X-Men films, has been tapped by a consortium of production companies headed by Steven Hoban's Copperheart Entertainment to bring "The Dragonriders of Pern," the long running classic science fiction/fantasy franchise to the big screen. Hayter will adapt the first novel in series: "Dragonflight" in which an army of elite warriors ride a telepathically commanded fleet of firebreathing dragons in order to defend the planet of Pern from an insidious menace.
The "Dragonriders of Pern" has long been a favorite of science fiction and fantasy readers since "Dragonflight" was published in 1968. Over the years author Anne McCaffrey has won almost every award imaginable and was the first to crack the New York Times Best Seller List with a science fiction novel: "The White Dragon," also a 'Pern' book, in 1978. LIterary success has not meant a smooth transition to tv or movie screens, with only aborted efforts up until now.
This will no doubt be a hugely expensive movie, since in McCaffrey's world the dragons are different colors, shapes and sizes. Plus they speak through their minds and depend on the humans just as much as the humans depend on them. In the first few books, the dragons are tasked with saving the world of Pern from an airborne attacker in spore form called the Thread. But the McCaffrey books are set after dragon-riding has fallen out of favor.
Is this the first of many more lavish book adaptations to come ? Andrew Stanton's John Carter of Mars will be out in 2012, Game of Thrones premieres this month, and now dragons? Could Hollywood be hitting a fantasy boom soon ?
Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern book series has garnered generations of fans. Now it's about to be translated for the screen by the screenwriter for Watchmen and X2, David Hayter.
David Hayter, screenwriter of the first two X-Men films, has been tapped by a consortium of production companies headed by Steven Hoban's Copperheart Entertainment to bring "The Dragonriders of Pern," the long running classic science fiction/fantasy franchise to the big screen. Hayter will adapt the first novel in series: "Dragonflight" in which an army of elite warriors ride a telepathically commanded fleet of firebreathing dragons in order to defend the planet of Pern from an insidious menace.
The "Dragonriders of Pern" has long been a favorite of science fiction and fantasy readers since "Dragonflight" was published in 1968. Over the years author Anne McCaffrey has won almost every award imaginable and was the first to crack the New York Times Best Seller List with a science fiction novel: "The White Dragon," also a 'Pern' book, in 1978. LIterary success has not meant a smooth transition to tv or movie screens, with only aborted efforts up until now.
This will no doubt be a hugely expensive movie, since in McCaffrey's world the dragons are different colors, shapes and sizes. Plus they speak through their minds and depend on the humans just as much as the humans depend on them. In the first few books, the dragons are tasked with saving the world of Pern from an airborne attacker in spore form called the Thread. But the McCaffrey books are set after dragon-riding has fallen out of favor.
Is this the first of many more lavish book adaptations to come ? Andrew Stanton's John Carter of Mars will be out in 2012, Game of Thrones premieres this month, and now dragons? Could Hollywood be hitting a fantasy boom soon ?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
LITTLE MISS PAGENTS [ The cult of beauty ]
Little girls dressed up with false eyelashes, rouged cheeks and Vegas style clothes .... creepy ?
Slightly overweight housewives are trying to recapture (gain?) the glamorous life they never had and get rich off the backs of their babies, through this vicarious medium ?
Kids who are pathetic emotional wrecks trying desperately to please increasingly insane adults they are forced to live with and obey ?
Save me all the “she loves it, and the minute she doesn’t we will stop” nonsense. No kid “wants” to do this. Ever seen the “behind the scenes” drama of these events ?, it is obviously not true that the kids “love it.”
They whine, they cry, they fight with other kids. They know they are being treated as pampered pets shown off for filthy lucre. End of story. Stop the abuse. Stop showing these things on TV. Stop promoting them in your town. Call protective child services.
Little girls dressed up with false eyelashes, rouged cheeks and Vegas style clothes .... creepy ?
Slightly overweight housewives are trying to recapture (gain?) the glamorous life they never had and get rich off the backs of their babies, through this vicarious medium ?
Kids who are pathetic emotional wrecks trying desperately to please increasingly insane adults they are forced to live with and obey ?
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' Don't worry Dear, we'll get you breast implants for your 12th birthday and you'll be perfect ' |
Save me all the “she loves it, and the minute she doesn’t we will stop” nonsense. No kid “wants” to do this. Ever seen the “behind the scenes” drama of these events ?, it is obviously not true that the kids “love it.”
They whine, they cry, they fight with other kids. They know they are being treated as pampered pets shown off for filthy lucre. End of story. Stop the abuse. Stop showing these things on TV. Stop promoting them in your town. Call protective child services.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I bought a Jehovah's Witness advent calender for christmas last year, the thing is ........... everytime I opened one of the doors ..... a voice told me to f*ck off !!
I'll get me sleigh
DID YOU KNOW ................
Collaboration with Martinez at Art Essentials
Posted by
Matthew S. Kennedy with Ceramic Tattoo Art
Phone: (805)-765-1113
Please Also Visit
Memorial Tattoo
This is a urn/vase that was a art collaborative with my friend martina diaz from Art Essentials here in Santa Barbara.
This is a urn/vase that was a art collaborative with my friend martina diaz from Art Essentials here in Santa Barbara.
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TooTall's Update!
Posted by
Matthew S. Kennedy with Ceramic Tattoo Art
Phone: (805)-765-1113
Please Also Visit
Memorial Tattoo
I love my friends cat she is so cute she was on my bike this morning so I had to take the action picture... Kat (my friend) told me about this awesome SEO group that meets on every Thursday here in Santa Barbara at 5:30PM by the pier, here is the link if you are interetsed in advertising your website:
I am so excited to have my little Ceramic Tattoo Biz pick up a bit this month.. I made some $ and like doing art for a living.. It is nice to be in this point with all my equipment finally paid for and ready to start kicking some major ass with the biz. I had a great day yesterday - I am so excited I put my first $20.00 down on an artist at 805 Ink on State Street, real nice studio – classy and also an art gallery not your normal tattoo shop. Chad Westmorland is starting on a drawing for my new tattoo and the start of my full arm sleeve. We should get started this weekend sometime. I am going through a complete transformation! This is the next step in my vision for my dream. I bought a new wordrobe, I naird my back (very smoooooth and not easy to do yourself haha) going to loose about 20 -25 pounds, tanning every day (on my beach rock spot), will be working on some killer pieces for some major players in the Tattoo industry and will deliver them this month or next and I don't know, whatever else I can fucken think of haha... feels really good living my dreams and just having faith and fun.. Chad is drawing me a Japanese Tiger on a rock with some Cherry blossoms and wind that will sweep around my current tattoo. I will be adding Japanese styles and a colorful jungle theme for both of my arms and back. I will have a large elephant that my Grandfather drew on my back. I can’t wait to get some really good pieces I am proud of to take to a convention, maybe get on TV, etc… It will be really good to get inside the mind of someone in the industry too. I need that for the business and to get my name out. I made a sale yesterday for $500.00 so I said hey, I need to get started on the next level of the business and get some ink on me.. I am excited can you tell… Life is good!
The beach spot I love to go to and meditate. I sit or lay on top of the rock and meditate and tan. Life is a bitch..
The Elephant my Grandfather "Popo" Drew in 1975 when I was 4 years old.

Some of Chad's Tattoo Artwork:
I love my friends cat she is so cute she was on my bike this morning so I had to take the action picture... Kat (my friend) told me about this awesome SEO group that meets on every Thursday here in Santa Barbara at 5:30PM by the pier, here is the link if you are interetsed in advertising your website:
I am so excited to have my little Ceramic Tattoo Biz pick up a bit this month.. I made some $ and like doing art for a living.. It is nice to be in this point with all my equipment finally paid for and ready to start kicking some major ass with the biz. I had a great day yesterday - I am so excited I put my first $20.00 down on an artist at 805 Ink on State Street, real nice studio – classy and also an art gallery not your normal tattoo shop. Chad Westmorland is starting on a drawing for my new tattoo and the start of my full arm sleeve. We should get started this weekend sometime. I am going through a complete transformation! This is the next step in my vision for my dream. I bought a new wordrobe, I naird my back (very smoooooth and not easy to do yourself haha) going to loose about 20 -25 pounds, tanning every day (on my beach rock spot), will be working on some killer pieces for some major players in the Tattoo industry and will deliver them this month or next and I don't know, whatever else I can fucken think of haha... feels really good living my dreams and just having faith and fun.. Chad is drawing me a Japanese Tiger on a rock with some Cherry blossoms and wind that will sweep around my current tattoo. I will be adding Japanese styles and a colorful jungle theme for both of my arms and back. I will have a large elephant that my Grandfather drew on my back. I can’t wait to get some really good pieces I am proud of to take to a convention, maybe get on TV, etc… It will be really good to get inside the mind of someone in the industry too. I need that for the business and to get my name out. I made a sale yesterday for $500.00 so I said hey, I need to get started on the next level of the business and get some ink on me.. I am excited can you tell… Life is good!
The beach spot I love to go to and meditate. I sit or lay on top of the rock and meditate and tan. Life is a bitch..
The Elephant my Grandfather "Popo" Drew in 1975 when I was 4 years old.
Some of Chad's Tattoo Artwork:
P.S. I just missed Nikki Sixx book signing in LA yesterday FUCK! I could have given him his vase man.. Oh well I will catch up with him. He put the vase I made for him on his site here: It is under the art section..
I saw a very cool video of Nikki being interviewed on Good Day LA here
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Otto Heino an internationally acclaimed potter
Posted by
Matthew S. Kennedy with Ceramic Tattoo Art
Phone: (805)-765-1113
Please Also Visit
Memorial Tattoo
I went cloths shopping today and this really nice gal told me about this potter. Check it out!
As a husband and wife team, Otto and Vivika's work is collected world-wide and has been exhibited internationally at the Picasso Museum in Vallauris, France; San Francisco's De Young Museum; Los Angeles' County Art Museum and Craft Folk Art Museum; New York' American Craft Museum; Washington D.C.'s Smithsonian' and Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. Twentieth Century Fox commissioned them to create 751 pieces of pottery for the film, "The Egyptian."
I went cloths shopping today and this really nice gal told me about this potter. Check it out!
Otto Heino is an internationally acclaimed potter and welcomes the public to his studio gallery, The Pottery.
Otto is a true craftsman. He has remained true to his vision of pursuing excellence in the art of clay as a potter and sharing his productivity with others.
Otto has a very natural, physical throwing style. He is one of very few potters who can keep a refined shape in a large vessel. An eye for form and skill of throwing aside, Otto's potting requires great strength. Despite his senior citizen status, he is able to throw 100 pounds of clay at once!
Award-winning Pots...
Otto has received the high distinction of a gold medal from the Sixth Biennial International de Ceramique at Vallauris, France in 1978. This accompanies the Diplôme D' Honeur from the International Academy of Ceramics, Cannes, received in 1955.As a husband and wife team, Otto and Vivika's work is collected world-wide and has been exhibited internationally at the Picasso Museum in Vallauris, France; San Francisco's De Young Museum; Los Angeles' County Art Museum and Craft Folk Art Museum; New York' American Craft Museum; Washington D.C.'s Smithsonian' and Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. Twentieth Century Fox commissioned them to create 751 pieces of pottery for the film, "The Egyptian."
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