These are the different keywords I am using for this particular Blog:
Blog, blogspot, blogs, blog site, html blog, a blog, blog post, blog to, blogging, video blog, music blog, photo
blog, google blog, blog theme, news blog
Google and the books that I read (Social Media Marketing) say you have to have a blog and post to it regularly
to get your name out and I am determined to do that from this day forward. I totally recommend this book by the
way for SEO. I like to write blog posts because it is creative and I am a very creative person being an artist and
all. I got this rad keyboard, it is a Dell and I love it, this will help in the typing of this new blog. Urnnews Blogspot is a blog about the art of making "art urns".
I watched this very cool documentry on the Biography Channel about Jimmy Hebndrix and it was awesome. I
just got Direct TV so I can tape the shows I like to watch... I tweeted the song of the day "Red House" by Jimi
Hendrix cuz I just love that song. When I used to play pool for a living I used to put that on the box in the pool
hall and just play and play. I remember that song was playing the time I won $1,000 playing a 7 game set with
a friend of mine. Shout out to Barry at "Breaking Times" in Hemet, this is where I grew up.
I am getting on a regular schedule starting today blogging about all kinds of stuff that is going on and really my
journey starting TooTall's Pottery. It will be a really cool journal if nothing else haha. I need it to get me some
business for my art urns so I can continue to live my dream of doing pottery full time here in the Central Coast.
I am using my other blog the - Word Press Blog I just opened to put some "cool" stuff on too. I like to surf You
tube and "share" some cool videos I see. It is nice cuz you can share them right onto your blogspot I guess cuz
You Tube is part of Google. Video blogging I guess.. I should check out some music blogs and see how I can
link up to them as well.
Oh, this is a totally cool site, it is called Social Oomph and it is awesome you should check it out. It allows you
to post tweets on a regular basis throughout the day without having to type in each tweet. Real cool SEO tool..
Well that is it for today, thanks for reading my bullshit and come back soon...
P.S. Please Link to this page or do a story on my ceramic tattoo art cuz I need all the exposure I can get.. You
can feel free to copy and paste whatever you want from my website like videos, pictures, text anything you want
to do a little story on me. I would so appreciate this and if you would like a link back or a story done on you I
will be glad to do the same. Google says that "one way links" are the best to get so story's are great - "Live
and Let Live"
TooTall’s Pottery – Ceramic Tattoo Art Phone: (805)-765-1113 Custom Hand Carved ceramic tattoo art. We welcome special orders…
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