Wednesday, May 25, 2011



A Texas couple who named their son ESPN after the cable sports network will soon be getting a visit from the toddler's namesake.

An ESPN film crew is coming to this Panhandle town next month to interview the family of 2-year-old ESPN Malachi McCall for a feature on several children around the country named after the network.

ESPN (pronounced Espen) McCall is one of at least three children in the United States known to be named for the sports network. A couple in Corpus Christi named their son Espn Curiel in 2000, the same year Espen Blondeel was born in Michigan.

ESPN spokesman Dave Nagle said the feature will air Sept. 6 as part of a two-hour special celebrating the network's 25th anniversary. The special focuses on the company's history, growth and impact.

"We don't have viewers. We have fans," Nagle said Saturday. "And I guess there's no better testament than when someone names their child after your product. It just shows the bond we have with people."

Rebecca and Michael McCall said their son's name started as a joke after they heard on the radio about another couple naming their son "Espen."

"He looked at me and said, 'That's a cool name,'" Rebecca McCall said in Saturday's editions of the Amarillo Globe-News.


Couple Names Their Baby After Facebook's 'Like' Button

These days everybody is frantic about facebook. Facebook is becoming an important part of daily life. Its popular all the genre of people. Kids, teen, young and old they are all obsessed and very much enjoying facebook.Eery time there is an activity going on facebook and every activity is being shared and liked at facebook. So as the terms of facbook are getting famous.

An Isralian couple had been found extreme in its devotion with facebook because they named their girl as LIKE. Like is very common term among the one of terms of facebook features.

Mr. ADLER the father of new born girl says: To me it is very important to give my children names that are not used anywhere else, at least not in ISRAEL.

It has been told that LIKE the baby girl have to other sisters and they are names as PIE and DVASH( honey in Hebrew).

Mr. Adler do thinks there could be reaction for the strange name of newborn girl by the family and friends but he hopes they will admire it and appreciate LIKE.


Back in February, an Egyptian couple went the distance and named their daughter "Facebook."

There's also the option of giving the child a more traditional first name and using the middle name as a repository for one's peculiar loyalty to a faceless multinational. That's what one Swedish couple did a a few years back when they named their son Oliver Google Kai.

NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson was even more subtle. His daughter Genevieve Marie just has the initials "GM" — as in "General Motors." Johnson's No. 48 car is a Chevy Impala, naturally.

Speaking of celebrities, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin have a daughter named Apple, but there doesn't seem to be a connection to the company that makes Macs, iPhones and iPads.

I grew up knowing a girl called " Annette Curtin "

There's a girl in England who's first name is " Posh ".

A study discovered that 7,261 girls have been called Kylie, with another 288 named Madonna.

But film characters also proved a hit with six babies named Gandalf after the wizard from Lord of the Rings, and two lucky boys given the name Superman.

Thirty-six sets of parents called their child Arsenal after the football team.

Sporting legend Tiger Woods has also made his mark with 1,200 boys named after him - or the animal.

Eva-Toni-Ann Pierce owes her unusual hyphenated name to her dad's love of Everton Football Club.

South African mothers got in on the act following the 2010 World Cup by giving their children names such as FIFA and SOCCER CITY.

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