Wednesday, March 2, 2011

'Owls of protest after South American footballer boots defenceless bird

Panama defender Luis Moreno is facing sanctions after he kicked an injured owl that had landed on the field during a match for his Colombian club Deportivo Pereira against Atletico Junior.

The owl, which serves as a mascot for the Atletico Junior team and lives in the stadium, was being treated Monday at a local veterinary clinic in Barranquilla.

The bird had been expected to recover from a minor fracture to its right leg, but Radio Santa Fe reports that the owl has now died.

Fans of the Atletico Junior team shouted 'murderer, murderer' after the incident on Sunday. The owl had landed injured near the corner of the field and was struck by a pass between Deportivo players, causing the referee to halt the game. Moreno then walked over and kicked it about three yards to get the owl off the pitch.

He said he did not know the bird was a good-luck charm for the opposition.

'I want to apologize to the fans,' Moreno said after the match. 'I was not trying to hurt the owl. I did it to see if it would fly.'

Moreno could now be facing a spell of several months in jail and a fine.

'I apologize to the whole country and more to the fans of Barranquilla because it was a very serious action, and if I get a penalty, then I'll take it,' Moreno told reporters on Monday.

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