I wanted also show how I transfer the image on to the piece as well. I use this really sticky stuff that I get at Michael's craft store. We take the image and scan it in the computer and print it out in Photo Shop to the right size for that piece. I cut it out and smear the sticky stuff on with a pallet knife and then place the transfer on the pot. I then take a regular black ball point pen and trace the drawing onto the piece. After I trace it I yank off the transfer and take another tool that I get form Michal's and carve the design out. Much like a tattoo artist places the transfer on someones arm I place the transfer on my pottery. This give me unlimited possibilities with my art and I love to do it. Visit my custom urn page for more design ideas. I am adding to this page all the time as well.
I have to do some glazing today and I should have some new pieces to put on the Blog tomorrow. I updated my wholesale page for the website today as well.
Matthew S. Kennedy
Cell: 562-760-7955
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